Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why Should The Father Bother

I work in a factory.  I've been there for 10 years, so I know my job very well.  In fact, I've done my job asleep.  (Don't tell my boss.)  Often, I'll be listening to my iPod and paying attention to it and not my job.  Today was such a day.

One of the songs I listened to today was "Why Should The Father Bother" by Petra.  Have a listen for yourselves.

It's a very good song with a good message.  Only that message is wrong.

The lyrics to the chorus are as follows (for those who couldn't catch them):

Why should the Father bother to call us His children?
Why should the Spirit hear it when we pray?
Why should the Father bother to be concerned with all our needs?
Its all because of what the Son has done.

This song was released in 1979.  I've listened to it since the 80's.  I've never caught on that this is wrong until today.  The truth is Petra has it backwards.

The Father doesn't bother to call us His children because of what the Son did.  Exactly the opposite.  The Son (Jesus Christ) did what He did (died on the cross) because the Father bothered to call us His children.  He loves us, His children, enough that He wants to hear it when we pray.  He wants to know and care for our needs.  And He was willing to send His Son to die, so we may live.

1 comment:

  1. Now I'll have to listen to that song again! You do have a point.
