Tuesday, April 1, 2014

One Down, One To Go

My daughter moved out again this past weekend.

I mean again, because a couple of years ago she left for college.  After a year, she dropped out and moved back home.  But she also brought her boyfriend with her.  So for the past year, my daughter and her boyfriend have been living in the basement, along with my son whose bedroom is also down there.

This weekend, they got an apartment a few miles away and we helped them move in.  By helping them move, I mean I threw their stuff onto a truck, had my wife drive the truck at high speed across town, and threw their stuff into their new apartment.  It took just under 4 hours to accomplish everything.

I'm not saying that I'm not going to miss her.  I will.  But it's time.  She's an adult and it's time for her life to begin.

Now, I can't wait for my son to go to college this fall.

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