Monday, August 4, 2014

Color Run 2014

Yesterday, my wife and I ran the Color Run in Grand Rapids, Michigan. For those who don't know, the Color Run is a 5K race where they throw different colored paint at you each kilometer. It's really fun and you end up covered with purple, blue, pink and other colors.

Before the race.  When we're still clean.
This was our third year running this race, so there were no real surprises in the course or anything. The biggest surprise for me was how fast I was able to run it. I've never trained for a race before, but since I've been training for the Disney World half marathon in January, I've gotten quite a bit faster than previous years.

The purple area, sponsored by a cancer research hospital.

Running into the pink area.

About to get the blues.

Hey, what are ya?  Yellow?

Finally!  The Finish!

During the race, and after, there is a DJ playing music and a mosh pit for you to dance and have fun.

The Color Run mascot is a dancing unicorn.  Don't ask me why.

In the mosh pit, they pass out hundreds of packages of paint.  About every 15 minutes or so, they have everyone throw the paint up into the air.

Get ready to hold your breath.

Let the party commence!
You begin wearing white.  You end covered in paint.

Picture taken after wiping the paint off the camera lens.
I've taken 4 showers and I still have paint in places I can't mention.

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