Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Lake

I've grown up around Lake Michigan. I was born in a town on the shores and I've never lived (for long) farther than a couple hours drive from the beach.

While sitting in the sand (which I'm doing as I write this), I realized something. It may seem boring and ordinary to you, but it's neat to me: I've been on beaches on all four sides of the lake. 

Right now, I'm on the east shore of the lake. I'm in Holland State park. Here's a picture:

That's "Big Red".  I was trying not to take pictures of the bikini-clad girls.
I grew up on the south side. I lived in Michigan City. My grandparents owned a home that was actually inside Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. I would go down to the lake all the time growing up.  I have pictures, but none that are on my computer right now.

I also lived on the west side of the lake, in Chicago.  (Yes, I know that's close to the south side, but it's still on that west side.)  When I had the chance, I'd walk down Addison Street to the lake and walk around.  Again, I don't have any pictures for you.

The last side I made it to was the north side.  Up there, the lake is only a small point before it curves down to the east and west, but I was able to get up there a couple of years ago when I would visit my daughter, who was attending college in the U.P. of Michigan.

The lake is in the background, not what I'm jumping over.
As I said, I've lived near Lake Michigan my entire life.  I keep making jokes about moving to Florida, but I don't think I ever will be able to leave the Great Lakes area.  This is home.

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