Friday, March 28, 2014

What To Expect

In the past, I've tried to write a diary, but for one reason or another, I've never been able to keep up with it.  Perhaps it's because a written diary is just that: Written.  I've never been a great writer, but I want to get my ideas out there.  A number of my friends have blogs and, by seeing theirs and how they work, I realize that this is just how I need to work.

If my thoughts come in the written word, I can do that.  In pictures, whether photograph or drawn, I can do that as well.  (Not very well, but It can be done.)  In video, audio or any other medium, I can do it here.

So, what will I put here?  Again, it could be anything.  It could be a one-line thought or a novel.  My political and religious views, views on movies and music and television are all fair game.

This is just a place to put all of the thoughts I have so I can sleep at night.

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